Tuesday, March 4, 2008



For those who want to escape addiction, and deep-seated compulsive behavior, talking alone is not enough.
Victims should focus on action change, while loved ones/counsellors focus on the feelings of victims, with love, understanding, correction, coaxing, encouragement, and patience.
There are three principles to bear in mind.
1. Any change is a continuous process, never one time act.; it is a life-long process.
Pernicious points touching his whole life and his belief.
2. Compulsive act can be broken by force, as many believe.. Structural barrier is removed. Force can help is a misconception. Satan uses force, affecting free agency.(D & C 121:46).
3. Charity is not by compulsory means. It is gently handled by submission, rather than subjugation. or force.
Compulsive behaviour can be broken by repentance and avoidance of indulgence, while loved ones support and should care and concern for the victim.
The Cycle of Compulsive Behavior:(Compulsive Cycle)
1. Feeling of isolation from loved ones.
2. Acts of indulgence (e.g. taking alcohol, drugs).
3. Feelings of self-hatred ( low self-esteem).
4. Act of Concealment (hiding from people who love you).and , thus, going back to the feelings of isolation and the Cycle of Compulsive Behavior).
We can initiate the beakaway from the Cycle of Compulsive Behavior (Compulsive Cycle) through the Cycle of Success or Joy.(Joy Cycle).
Feelings of isolation can be replaced by the Feelings of Belonginess from the loved oned ones, like care and concern, love, understanding and good relationship with the victim..
The acts of indulgence should be replaced by the acts of progression ( practice, skills, habits) with the conducive environment to provide good feelings of belonginess, and optimal thinking instead of negative thinking.
The Feeling of self-hatred is replaced by recognition of self-esteem through loving emotion, and thinking.
Lastly, the acts of concealment should be replaced with the acts of disclosure (through communication, coaching, and sharing/discussing ideas).
Thus, Joy Cycle are these:-

1. Feelings of Belonginess (good relationship, love, and understanding)
2. Acts of Progression.(through optimal thinking and good emotions poured out)
3. Self-esteem.(good and self-confident)
4. Acts of Disclosure (recognition through Commmunication, coaching and sharing)

To convert change in bad habitual behavior requires coaching, counselling, mentoring, encouragement, never-give-up attitude, love, understanding and lots of patience for weeks, months and , maybe, years of patient nuturing in a friendly and supportive environment from those who care and concern for their well-being.

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