Tuesday, October 27, 2009


As a man thinketh, so is he!....including his age. According to specialists,the following body parts are regularly renewing & regenerating themselves. For examples:-

The Brain: Most lifetime cells are found in the brain--Born with about 100 billion cells, most of which do not regenerate---dementia and head injuries are bad casualties. The areas which do regenerate are at olfactory-smell and area for learning--hippocampus. So you are as old or young as your brain!!!

Liver--Five months-capable of regenerating and repair due to rich blood supply....150 days, even for heavy drinkers! But parenchymal cells--main liver cells-damaged ones cause cirrhosis--damage can be permanent.

Taste Buds-With 9,000 taste buds to detect senses of taste, on tongue surface with collection of fifty taste buds group, renew themselves every 10 days to two weeks.. But heavy smoking and inflammation can damage their sensitivity.

Heart age is 20 years. The heart is dotted with stem cells which rejuvenate three to four times over a life-time.

Lungs' Age--two to three weeks. at different rates. Alveoli or air sac cells deep inside for gas exchange take a year to renew. Lung's surface renew every two to three weeks---as first line of defence so renewal is quick. Emphysema can damage holes and prevent regeneration.

Eyes--same as your age. Cornea is the only part that renew within 24 hours. but not other parts of the eyes, which do not change. The lens loses flexibility so it is difficult to focus.

Hair cells renew and grow up to six years for women, and three years for men. It grows one centimetre every month. Eyebrows and eyelashes renew every six to eight weeks. Repeated plucking can disrupt the cycle.

Skin's Age--two to four weeks, hence we get "dust on the floor" but wrinkles do form because collagen protein and elasticity are lost with age.

Bones age every 10 years due to osteoporosis. Bone cells (osteoclasts) breaks down and are replaced by bone-building cells (osteoblasts). A mixed old and new bone cells. At middle age, renewal process slows down, bones become thinner, thus osteoporosis sets in.

Intestines' Age Two to three days. Villi cells line in the intestines to increase absorption of nutrients. Highly turnover rate, it can easily be replaced,under constant attack of corrosive stomach acid on food. Other parts of intestines are covered with mucus which cannot stand the hydrocholic acid, so cells renew every three or five days. On surgery, when intestines are cut short, it grows fast to the length!

Nails' Age-six to ten months. Keratin form the hard protein of nails, renewing 3.4 mm every month. Toe-nail takes 10 months to grow completely, while fingernails six months due to better blood circulation, thus younger people grow nails faster than those of older people. Age and psoriasis can impede the growth of nails.

Red Blood cells take four months to regenerate, at the end the liver removes the blood cells which are destroyed in the spleen, or through injury, menstruation or disease.

So, how young are you today? Please be discreet on inquiring a lady's birth and age!
So, what is your beautiful name?

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