Wednesday, February 20, 2008

HOPE IN CHRIST by Anthony Lim, 21 Feb. 2008.

HOPE IN CHRIST- by Anthony Lim, 21/2/2008.

Christians who worship the Father in Heaven can be said to have some deep devotion and dedication to Jesus Christ, the Son of God Almighty. Their faith in Christ will increase their hope in Christ, such hope will eventually lead them to eternal life through Christ's infinite atonement, whose divine blood shed for mankind cleanses for the sins of men.
When we have faith in Christ, ye shall have hope, through the atonement and resurrection of Christ to be raised into life eternal.(Moroni 7:41)
Faith is to hope for things not seen seen which are true. (Heb. 11:11)
Without any faith, there cannot be any hope. (Moroni 7:42)
If there must be faith, there must be hope, if there must be hope, there must be charity. (Moroni 10:20)
See that ye have faith, hope and charity. ( Alma 7:24).
Whoseso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world (Ether 12:4).
So, if we increase in faith, we increase in hope and charity.
Hope in Christ will eventually lead us to eternal life through Christ's atonement.

HOPE means the following aspirations and assurances:-
H-Happiness planned for you and me, and others who believe in Christ jesus as their Personal Saviour
O-Obedience to God's ways for growth, progress and success in our spirituality and life.
P-Peace of mind and soul here and hereafter.
E-Eternal Life to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in the Celestial Kingdom.
Hope is like a sun, a promise to the future, which drives away darkness, and brings in brightness, and happiness, leading us in the right direction to God and Christ.. Hope is the assurance of peace and eternal life granted to us by God.

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